Instant SoC Class Library  3.1
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CFC_BaseHardware Base Class
 CFC_IO_CaptureInput signal shape capture
 CFC_IO_ClkSystem clock input
 CFC_IO_I2CI2C Master
 CFC_IO_InLogic input
 CFC_IO_OutLogic output
 CFC_IO_PulseAsynchronous pulse std_logic output
 CFC_IO_PWMPulse Width Modulation output
 CFC_IO_ResetSystem Reset input
 CFC_IO_SegmentDisplaySegment Display controller
 CFC_IO_StaticStatic logic output
 CFC_IO_StreamMasterAXI4 Stream master
 CFC_IO_StreamSlaveAXI4 Stream Slave
 CFC_System_ClockSystem Clock
 CFC_System_EventManagerMulti Event Manager
 CFC_System_FPUFloating Point Unit
This class adds a floating point unit to the processor.
The gcc compiler will use floting point instructions.
 CFC_WishboneWishbone bus master
This class makes it very easy to connect Wishbone slaves to Instant SoC generated systems.
It is possible to let Instant SoC embed and map your Wishbone slave directly by using a constructor with a source file argument.
See Wishbone Instant SoC for details.
Any number of Wishbone instances are allowed.